Change the Button & Accent Colors for the Checkout Page on Shopify
On the website of an online store, we pay lots of attention to improve the user experience through store design, product exhibition, etc. However, the checkout page is considered as important as those because it can affect customers on completing their purchase process in this last step. On selling online, there are several posts that about making the checkout page more attractive. Additionally, this writing is particularly added to guide you on how to change the button and accent colors on your Shopify checkout page.
How to change the button & accent colors on the checkout page
Step 1: Go to CheckoutStep 2: Click on Customize checkout
Step 3: Change button & accent color
Step 4: Save
Step 1: Go to Checkout
Login to your Shopify as usual, and go to the Settings button placed at the boom left corner of the page.
Then, choose the Checkout section from the menu.
Step 2: Click on Customize checkout
On the checkout page, click on the Customize checkout button at the Style area to continue.
Step 3: Change button & accent color
You'll be moved to a new tab of checkout settings page, click on the blue line - Open checkout settings
A section list of theme settings appears, you need to scroll down until seeing the section named Checkout, click on it and find the Color area. There are 3 elements for you to edit: Accents, Buttons, and Errors.
Click on the color picker at each elements to choose appropriate colors.
Step 4: Save
When you satisfy with the selection, click on the Save button at the very top right corner of the page to save all the changes.
Remember to choose the colors that make the text or information on the checkout page clear enough for customers to read. Just in a few steps, you can change the colors for the button & accent on your Shopify checkout page. If you enjoy this post, please spread it to more people so that they know how to make the chekcout page on their store more interesting.
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