Customize Specific SMS Templates on Shopify

September 23, 2021 | ArenaCommerce Account
Customize Specific SMS Templates on Shopify
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Besides sending notifications via email to customers, shop owners can use the SMS notification as another communication channel to do it. The SMS notification is an ideal channel for the tasks that need quick responses from or immediate announcements to customers. However, not every template on Shopify has an SMS notification. Anyway, this writing will show you how to customize the SMS template on your store.

How to customize the specific SMS template on Shopify

Step 1: Select Notifications section
Step 2: Select the specific template you want to edit
Step 3: Switch to SMS tab anf start customizing
Step 4: Save changes


Step 1: Select Notifications section

Logging in to your Shopify admin as usual, go to the Settings which placed at the bottom left corner of the page. Then, select the Notifications section on the menu.



Step 2: Select the specific template you want to edit

When you are in the Notifications sector, the templates are placed at the right area of the page. There are several template items on each block such as Orders, Shipping, Local Delivery, Customer,... Click on the blue title of items you want to customize its template. 



Step 3: Switch to SMS tab anf start customizing

Once you choose your template to edit, you'll be moved to its drafting from. Click on the SMS tab to switch it from the email template. Now you can start to customize its template in SMS version.



Step 4: Save changes

If you satisfy with the changes, click on the Save green button. After click Save but you change you mind and want it to be original, then click on the Revert to default button at the bottom left. 

Remember to Preview the notification before sending it to customers by clicking on the Preview button next to the Save button at the top right.



We can customize the specific SMS notification template on Shopify in just a few simple steps. If you know how to modify an email template that customizing this SMS version is just a piece of cake. Hope this post can help you on customizing your SMS template successfully. If you enjoy the post, you should check out more tutorials of Shopify useful features at selling online.


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